Sariful Islam on Tales of Hearts: “15 years for a project, this guy is just a troller, don’t has any passion in his work, you all…” Feb 21, 02:43
Michael Prado on Summoner’s Lineage v0.20: “Well, it’s so nice to see progress for this baby. Hopefully we could see white smoke about a full translated…” Feb 10, 20:57
Yamato on Bloodline of Conjurers, Part Deux: “14 years ago, I’m so shocked, I was just entering college when you hid it.” Dec 26, 17:29
Michael Prado on Bloodline of Conjurers, Part Deux: “Wel, our favorite Tales troll hacker brought us more stuff for those dates. Thanks a lot, dude! And hopefully will…” Dec 20, 18:43
Kangaroo Returns: Tales of Xillia 2013
By Kajitani-Eizan on September 21, 2013
And you thought Phantasia GBA was an embarrassing localization effort.
Posted in Localization Commentary | Tagged Boring, Tales of Xillia | 56 Responses