Tales of Hearts Is Not Dropped
Okay, so my post title may have been a bit misleading last time.
Tales of Hearts Is Dropped
Totally for real, this time.
More Boring Text
I can’t guarantee you’ll be bored, but you’d have to be pretty nerdy not to be.
Say Hello to Sieg
I’ve decided to go with Sieg for the main character’s name in Tales of Hearts. I’m sure many will object, but I feel that this is the right decision from a localization standpoint.
Judging from the comments, people are in an uproar about how I never do any “real” updates. I now see the error of my ways. Clearly, the problem was that I was previously including too many pictures and videos.
A Tale of Two Screens…
… Has sadly come to an end. For now.
Merry Heartsmas and Happy Hisuidays
I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season! Here at Kajitani-Eizan’s Patch Site, we believe that we should work like dogs while the rest of you sip cider and bake cookies.
Just to clarify for those of you who might somehow still be confused: the previous two posts were jokes.
Bloodline of Conjurers
“X” writes: “Wow, all this time and that’s all the progress you made? Wait to go, The Flash. So, when are you going to abandon this project and start another one?” Wonder no more.
A Farewell to Demon Fang
It’s time to put an old tradition to rest.
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