34 responses to “State of the Translation Address”

  1. Michael

    I can await patiently moar time, meanwhile the final patch as I see in your updates will be a huge improvement over the original game. Thanks for your effort, Kaji! Keep goin’!

  2. Angst

    I wonder when this project started… Was it 3 years ago ? 4 years? So much has happened during these years and yet I still await the final release of your patch anxiously. Keep going kaji.

  3. Caleb

    At this point I wouldn’t prefer these updates in any other way from you.

    I look forward to the final release.

  4. ochu

    ooooh nice joke, a bit difficult, but i think i understand it! the key to it is the last paragraph, righ? that line about ToS being ‘a sloppy mess’. you are to funny!!! of course you didn’t mean to say that 2 nice Tales of games in english (20 bucks per each one) are a sloppy mess. what you were trying to say is your own project is a sloppy mess right?

  5. ThatGuy

    I have be honest, since I check this page regularly, I think no updates until a solid release is in place would be best. I love the comical nature of the posts, but I almost feel like the project is even further from completion any time you post stuff now. It’s discouraging in a way, but God bless you and the team for whatever the hell progress your making day to day, week to week, month to……ah, you get what I’m saying. Actually, this update directed me to Kingcoms page, which I haven’t checked in a while. The Xenosaga DS translation screens made this mediocre post a semi worthwhile read. Any ways, keep up the……whatever it is you guys are doing. Hopefully it’s getting a translated ToH game out by 2015. I know, I’m pushing it, I’ll take my leave now.

  6. rordhes

    Wow 10% of Story Translation in 4 years? So i guess only my grandchildreen will play the game with this translation…

  7. dawnbomb

    the 10% story is a joke, as its about how long the demo is. and i bet the menus are done as well. my bet is on all the random crap in the game and NPC’s late game ect is whats taking up this last time, along side bug checking and whatnot, would not be suprised if they were adding more secret new content as well.

    the question is, will it be released on april fools day (like the ToT patch) or not.

    i could see it going either way.

  8. April Fool's

    If that Story Translation means Skit conversation as well, I think it’s likely roughly 10%.
    As for Graphic Editing, I don’t think it is needed.

  9. tyson

    “As for Graphic Editing, I don’t think it is needed.”
    oh really


  10. April Fool's

    It would be time consuming job, which make this patch need more time to finish, on my definition of graphic editing though.
    I know this is their project, so I don’t have any right to say they are wrong.
    Just too much of a joke if this patch not out yet when 4DS is.

  11. Naridar

    10 percent already?! Whoa, that’s really some rapid progress. Can’t believe the FF Type-0 translation team took the entirety of one YEAR to make it to full beta testing phase! They have a lot to learn from you, Kaji!

    Oh, wait. NOT!

  12. goodOne

    10% is better than nothing… As for me I would like to play that demo translation.

  13. fihar

    “throughhim Worthlessness: 85%”
    That’s mean.

    “Please note that it may or may not be completely made-up.”
    Wasn’t expecting any less from you, Kaji,

    On Symphonia Chronicles though, while it’s not the best HD repackaging out there, it’s far from being a disaster. Each game is actually available separately on the PS Store, thank God.
    There’s no chance in hell I’m spending an extra 20 bucks on the gigantic turd that is Dawn of the New World.

  14. BAlor

    Well Naridar, the Type-0 is in their second playthrough of the Beta Stage, everyone thought that the patch would be released at the end of this month but not.

    It’ll be released in August. But it totally worth the wait!. And gotta say it that game is long AS HELL, it has about 60-70 Hours.

  15. Star Violet

    gosh!, please keep battle voice like it be, originally.

  16. BigAl

    Well, if taking your time will make it better that’s fine by me.

  17. AstralAqua

    perhaps this is what Kaji meant by Symphonia Chronicles being a disaster???

  18. Leviathain

    Symphonia Chronicles did have typos, and lots of missed spaces”meaning spaces between worlds missing a lot” I noticed at least 20 times it happened. Regardless, I still enjoyed playing the game again…though after defeating the hardest boss on my first playthrough, and defeating the final boss with my super jacked Devil Arm right as I used a magic lens trying to check his HP…was a bit funny. Took under 1 minute…

  19. Kaji is ruining my life

    […] definitely a little rough around the edges and has some obvious errors, but as long as you’re not Kaji, you can still re-live the nostalgia. Symphonia was the game that first brought me to the Tales […]

  20. Txn

    I just noticed that you changed your banner to say “eleven years”.
    Please tell me you’re going to celebrate the 15 anniversary of your site with the release of the patch!

  21. (-)


    give up

  22. rordhes

    Oh yeah, Tales of Symphonia Chronicles HD is a shame, better wait more eleven years and play u never ending translation right?

  23. BAlor

    lol comments above, but i doubt that we are gonna get the patch on april fools since the kid called throughhim is playing ToS HD and being lazy, so, might as well we have to wait to 2015 april fool…I’ll stick to my GC ToS, way better that the HD version.

  24. throughhim413

    BAlor, you couldn’t be more wrong. I’ve pretty much beaten Symphonia. I’m starting in on FFX now.

  25. Atchim

    Why Tales of Synphonia HD is bad, I thinking of buying, so please explain so I can decide to buy or not.

  26. dawnbomb

    symphonia HD is ‘bad’ per say, its just… ‘not good’

    if you never played symphonia 1 OR 2 is great, or neither of them, but altho symphonia 1 and 2 are great games, unless you played the origonals, the ML-LMBS is dated in ToS1. and ToS 2 ain’t that great except on unlocked difficulties. we COULD use a gamefaqs save to get them, but noone is posting ToS2 saves yet.

    but really tho, unless you swallow old style games hard or played ToS1 origonalls on gamecube or ps2, your most likly not going to like the HD edition, ToS was kinda heavily over praised as ‘best in series’ when really it was just a major series turning point. If you can handle it tho, its a great game.

    another worthy note is people who have ToS2 still can sell it for 20-15$ making the HD edition free. WOOT WOOT.

  27. BigAl

    Meh, I already own the GC version so I see no reason to buy the game again. Especially when I only first played it about a year ago. More power to anybody who does like Symphonia and bought it, I hope you are enjoying it and having a good time.

    I am personally more excited for Xillia 2 and Zestiria.

  28. BAlor

    Dammit throughhim how the hell do you get so many games?, i’m sure you get new games every week.

  29. Star Violet

    Please just translate, don’t do other things that not important in game, it will take more time to release a complete translation, players only want to know game’s story and menu to finish the game.

  30. Brian Miu

    @Star Violet

    That’s not very nice. throughim isn’t doing for you ya know. He can take 10 years if he wanted to just like Phantasian Productions.

  31. Brian Miu

    Oops did I say throughim, I meant Kaji. Or both…

  32. Star Violet

    most of players want a translated game just because they want to understand what characters say , and the translated menu to play through the game, so please don’t do supernumerary things in game and make the players/gamers wait too long.

  33. dawnbomb

    star violet that isn’t true at all. we do it for the experience. if you want just the menus and story there is a patch and info for that already. kanjis doing a 100% patch so it includes everything. its a much more intense, involved gameplay experience that really draws you into the games world.

  34. Roman

    @dawnbomb Where’s the patch and is it just the one for Ch1?

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